The situation on the Ukrainian border in Siret is becoming very critical. There is now a 12 km long queue at this border with Romania, which is only 30 km from us. Thousands of women flee alone with their children across the border on foot in the freezing cold and snow. All men between the ages of 18 and 60 have been drafted into military service as part of the general mobilization. Some try to drive their wives and children close to the Romanian border and drop them off there to drive back to the war zones. On the Romanian side there are many voluntary helpers, mostly Christians from the surrounding communities who organize food, drinks and accommodation and welcome these mothers and their children with great sympathy and willingness to help. With earnest prayer we asked the Lord to send us those who desperately need our help. A few hours later called
a brother who organizes the distribution of the refugees and asked us if we could take in a family. They arrived at our place shortly before midnight. A large family, great-grandmother, grandparents and two daughters with their children - two babies and a toddler. Fear and despair are written on all faces. We are preparing to be a kind of transit accommodation on the border with Ukraine. We have moved together and have room for 55 people. Thanks to our school kitchen, we can provide this large number of people with good food. Since the weekend we have had a steady stream of refugees arriving day and night - 48 places are already taken. They are mothers with children and two married couples from central Ukraine have just arrived. One couple has 12 children, the other couple has 7 children - all these children are former orphans of these couples
were adopted. Many of the refugees want to go to relatives or friends who live outside of Ukraine. Supporting and helping these suffering people on their further journey is another challenge. Refugees who need refuge with us for a longer period of time are very welcome. We desire very much that the people we help receive the love and care of God through our
recognize life and actions. Please pray with us that we can share His light of hope with the Ukrainian people in this desolation and despair.
Your HCI team